Neurodiversity collection
ADHD, ASD, AuDHD, Dyslexic, and more!

Feeling overwhelmed? Overloaded? Too much stimuli hitting the brain causing you to experience a Neurodivergent "bluescreen"? Use this design to explain why you may need to retreat, fidget, or seem distant. Let others know you understand how they feel with this this 80's TV standby screen inspired design.

There are many different neurotypes out there, and we want to represent them positively! The world is built for neurotypicals for now, but by embracing neurodiversity we'll bring so much more to the table. Neurodivergences make the world more fun! The neurodiversity infinity symbol represents the spectrum of variation in the human mind. Join the movement and bring awareness of Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Bipolar, and more to the masses.

This piece means A LOT to me. I grew up feeling very alien, alone and confused. I found Cosmic Horror and fell in love with the genre because I related to it, the madness, the pure euphoria of that madness when your mind just gives up on reality.
When I was 36 I was diagnosed with Autism, and as I researched Neurodivergence in general I started to find community. I've always connected to others through my art, but this key piece made my whole world shift for the better.

Oooof, sometimes it just feels like our brains are brimming with bees. So, so many buzzing little busy bees. It can be really loud! There’s so much stacking up on each other mentally, but from the outside it looks like we’re just staring off in a state of decision paralysis. Clue the world in on what it’s like in your head with this design celebrating neurodiversity awareness.

Zoooom, screeeeech! Oh, don’t worry about that, it’s just our synapses firing at absolute warp speed, defying the known laws of physics and neural capacity. The body remains motionless, face empty while the mind rounds the outer edge of the galaxy and sails into other dimensions! Brain go zoom. It’s all in a day’s journey for a neurodivergent noggin.

Most information we have about Autism is written from the perspective of neurotypicals. Let’s get the real lowdown and start asking more Autists what it’s like to be autistic. Knowledge is power! This design celebrates Neurodiversity Awareness Month and encourages people to keep talking about neurodiversity in our world.

Sure, you’re a little weird, but you’re cool with it. A little weird is the spice of life! In fact, the world should be thanking you for your weirdness. You make every day more interesting. You’re welcome, world! Shout it from the rooftops, sport it on your shirt.ction to explain a set of product features, to link to a series of pages, or to answer common questions about your products.

Embrace the weird and wonderful! Our “Stay Weird” design serves as a reminder to all to stay true to yourself and embrace the unique things that make you you. Maybe you’re a little goofy, a little quirky, a little zany, or eccentric. How ever you want to put it, you’re a weirdo, but we are too! Let your freak flag fly with this bold design.

Neurotypicals are so wild. They do this thing called “multitasking” where they work on a lot of different things at the same time to the detriment of all of them. Sometimes they don’t say what they mean and often have difficulty answering simple questions. Couldn’t be us, but they are still cool to love.

This is the ultimate “it’s not you, it’s me”. It’s the accidental eye contact. That over-the-top politeness. The need to fill the silence. This behavior could be mistaken for flirting, but it’s all in the name of pure social survival. Unless, of course, you’re interested? Haha, there we go being awkward again….

Loud noises, harsh smells, too many colors – UGH – the DRAMA of it all! Does it have to be so over the top? Sometimes you just need your tank to do the talking for you, and you need the message to be loud and clear. Help people get the hint and know for sure that you’ve got a low tolerance for bullsh*t. Just for that reason, we’ve made this shirt tagless and extra soft for you.