Art by: Lauren Addy
Bee Brain
Behind the Design
"My brain is loud" was my go to answer for when someone accused me of not listening. Very few people seemed to relate to me so I started to think that maybe everyone had loud brains but could somehow still function and absorb instructions. It didn't hit me that my ADHD diagnosis was the cause of my busy brain until I was much older. But just understanding why didn't help me enough.
I've learned to be a lot more compassionate with myself when it comes to processing verbal information. There are things I can control, and some things I can't. Bee Brain came from a memory of humming birds actually. I was cleaning out hummingbird feeders and during that time I learned that wasps and humming birds sound extremely similar, especially when they were buzzing right by your ear! I am terrified of wasps, but I adore humming birds, so it was taking all of my concentration to keep my hand from swatting at every buzz in my ear because I didn't want to accidentally swat a bird!
That whole ordeal left me exhausted, but with a funny comparison that my brain sounded like buzzing all the time with how many thoughts run through my head.