Artist: Lauren Addy
I'm Too Autistic for this Shit
Behind the Deign
This design is a whole mood. After being late diagnosed as Autistic, I joined a lot of neurodivergent groups on social media to find connection. "I'm Too Autistic For this Shit" was expressed in many words, stories, and visuals that left everyone empathizing strongly with one another.
Many requested a shirt that said this phrase, and a lot of shirts do exist with this phrase already! I wanted to add a flowery and pretty version because the idea of curse words done in fancy manners makes me laugh.
As a side story, I did wear this shirt to see Hannah Gadsby Live right here in Minnesota. I laughed until I cried, she is the funniest person in the world.
Right after I was diagnosed and had informed some friends, one of them sent me a clip of Hannah from her show, "Douglas" where she describes what it was like before and after her late autism diagnosis. I became an instant fan!