2024 brought great success to The BirdHive! After a tough 2023 taught me a valuable lesson about advertising agencies, I've learned to always check the Better Business Bureau. You'd think that would be a 'no brainer' but I am most certainly a 'bird brainer.' I'll pack away those experience points into my wisdom for leveling up.
Our debut at Twin Cities PRIDE in Loring Park was a blast! I've been tinkering with the blanket fort booth since 2021, inching closer to something playful yet functional. Now, I'm exploring soundproof blankets for the ultimate sensory bubble!

While setting up we made friends!

Chatting with everyone who stopped by was amazing, even though I'm not the most social bee. Fellow Neurospicy attendees shared how great The Birdhive made them feel over the weekend. They felt included and proud to be themselves, which left me feeling emotional in a good way. Pals and fam pitched in to support The BirdHive and build some awesome bonds. PRIDE is perfect for forming those connections while staying true to yourself. The whole week predicted just rain, so we geared up for a soggy time. But the weekend arrived with the most gorgeous weather of the entire year!
This was the third year at CONvergence and had folks flocking in on Thursday, eager to snag their shirts before I ran out. We did end up selling out of "Too autistic for this Sh*t" and "Info-dump", the next favorite was "byslexia is a ditch" which always gets some good laughs.
At GameHole con, I had a booth I was super stoked about, still needs a bit of tinkering but hey, it's the best use of space yet. Oh, and guess what? This was also The BirdHive's premiere convention outside Minnesota!

It really was a great year, and since I use Printful I now get some discounts I can pass down to you the customers! I wanted to start the year off with a website redesign, after 3 years I feel more confident in the look and feel I need The BirdHive to be.
Stay tuned in for the post about where to find The Birdhive LIVE in 2025!