Artist: Liz Palin
Rainbow Classes
Behind the Design
As a kid growing up in the 90s, I was not immune to trends. More specifically a certain designer with two first names (which I will not say specifically because they are known to sue people over less). I wanted the notebooks with rainbow-spotted leopard cubs, I coveted the trapper keeper with neon dolphins. In the end I think I managed to convince my mom to get me a set of folders featuring rainbow-maned horses and- being a horse girl at the time- it was the best.
The horse-girl-to-D&D-girl pipeline is pretty much a straight line, so it only made sense to try to recapture the feeling of showing up to school with those glossy neon folders. Now you can show up to your next game representing your favorite class like you're walking into 3rd grade with a rainbow tiger striped pencil case.
Wear your pride gear year round with the Birdhive. Because we're cute as hell.